Saturday, October 25, 2008

Back in the USA

Back in New York

Only a week and already, I'm in the New York groove, walking on the wrong side of the sidewalk saying 'excuse me excuse me' wherever I go. I forgot how many people can be crammed into a subway car, how many people can line up at an ATM, and the abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables from upstate New York at the Union Square Farmer's Market took my breath away -- heads of green and red lettuce $1.25 and apples $1 to $2 a pound. I bought 8 organic plums for $1.50 and an organic loaf of grain bread with no sugar or dairy for $3.75!

Although I don't have a view of the sea, the amazing diversity of the people here is a view I have missed. The first thing I noticed when I got off the plane at JFK was black people!!! I only knew one American black person in Wellington. Now I'm an Obama volunteer and will help with the campaign to be sure we have a president and vice president who will not turn back the rights of women that were fought for so hard by so many before, or turn their back on ALL the people.

It's good to be back and see everything new again.

There has been little time to blog, since I don't have a home or internet service, but the cafe I'm in at this moment, roots & Vines on Grand Street, offers the service free along with delicious coffee and only $2.00!

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