Saturday, June 16, 2007

What I do what I don't do

What I do what I don’t do I have noticed revolves around results, I will do this and get that, if I don’t do this I won’t get that, if I do that then maybe this will come and the maybe is the thing that makes me feel powerless, it’s a game although I don’t really think game fits what I am feeling I don’t feel like a game but I do feel someone has created the board I play on and I do feel that a roll of the dice is acceptable and there are rules, yes rules, if I could find out what the rules are, if the rules did not change so much I could learn and play real hard and win as if I don’t have a thing to say about it at all but I know I do or rather I do have a choice on how I react to all that goes on around me because I have faith, in certain faiths one believes my way or god’s way and then god helps those who help themselves and let it go and let it be and then some rocker said let it bleed and I guess that is more how I feel, let it be and bleed and just be because its always been this way or as some say sometimes it bees that way.

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