Canned Shoots.
Killing animals. Pay to kill animals. Large exotic animals. Pay someone to kill an animal for a trophy. Pay money to kill. Enjoy killing. Enjoy hurting those who can’t speak for themselves.
Many of the animals are retired from zoos and circuses. Bred in captivity they often don’t run away when approached by a man or woman with a gun. Canned shoots exist everywhere, including my home state New York. There is a bill to offer tax incentives for canned shoots.
We must do our part to let our representatives know that we OPPOSE bill A. 5150.
This bill would provide tax exemptions for wealthy patrons of canned shoots. Personally I just can't follow the logic of this. Why would the state offer a tax deduction to kill animals?
Many humanitarians, and just ordinary folk like me, believe that the way we treat those who cannot speak is the foundation for how we treat all life, including human life.
If you are a New York resident please contact your representatives. Here they are for an easy reference. You can just click to send an instant email saying you oppose bill A.5150.
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver
NYS Assembly, L.O.B., Albany NY 12248
Ph.: 518-455-4911
Fax: 518-455-5459
Assembly Member Herman "Denny" Ferrell
NYS Assembly, L.O.B., Albany NY 12248
Ph.: 518-455-5491
Fax: 518-455-5776
Thank you for reading this. There will be more information on my blogs on canned shoots to follow with specific information on where they exist in New York...and in New Zealand where I am living in the moment. Someone told me an "American" has set up canned shoots here. I'm hoping it's a rumour.