Sunday, September 24, 2006

I Inherited A Crack House

I inherited a Crack House.

Dad and I interred my cousin Billy’s ashes today with his deceased mother Lenora at Greenlawn Memorial. No one else was there. Grieving time is over, reality sets in: Lawyers want $275/hour to put the estate through probate, a necessary legal process when there is no will. Lawyers will not predict how long and how many hours it could take, no ceiling on their fees, but tell me with sincerity that it is well worth it to go forward!

Cousin Billy always told me he wanted me to have his house because I was the only relative who would speak to him. As an addict I know it was not Billy who did the things he did, or said the things he said when he was high...But now, there is nothing to do but put the antifreeze in the pipes, turn off the water, pay the neighbor kid to cut the grass, and let nature take its course -- which is unpredictable -- but probably means the Queen will take it when the unpaid taxes come due.

Since Billy was on the dole, I guess what goes around has come around. Sorry Billy. But at least your last wish has come true, you and mother are together in death forever... Goodbye Sweet Billy. May you rest in peace.
September 22, 2006

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