Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tribes 12 is out

I have the very good fortune to be staying in a loft in soho to care for two gorgeous cats. This place also comes with high speed internet, something I have not had in a very long time.

The reading at the Tribes Gallery for the Gathering of the Tribes Issue No 12 this past weekend was great although Steve Cannon was in hospital from a falling down the stairs accident (but is doing well now.) I was happy to see my poem, "Where Do I Begin?" included. The publishing process is very long. I submitted the poem to the editors five years ago. www.tribes.org

It's not on the website yet, but it was edited by Bruce Weber, Susan Sherman and Chavisa. Many writers and artists were included in the book (Bonny Finberg, Carl Watson, Jill Rappaport, etc.) and it looks great and feels great; although I don't understand the choice of the photo on the back of a scowling woman laying in bed inviting the eye to look up her bum. There were many beautiful and challenging works of art in the book that would have made a more representative bookend to the issue instead of another boring offer of a woman in compliance of degrading herself sexually as art. Even if it is a guy dressed as a girl, it is far from cutting-edge photography and art today, some of which are inside the book.

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