UPDATE NOTE December, 2015:
This post is a "review" of a documentary on TV I watched while living in Wellington, New Zealand and says so in the opening sentences. This is not from a personal experience. You are welcome to comment; however, I do not publish anonymous comments.
Is John of God a fraud?
I contemplated this question while watching a recent documentary on TV about three New Zealanders who went to Brazil in hopes to be healed. John of god is a Brazilian man, born in 1942, who is not a doctor but does psychic healing for millions of people who have a disease and/or are dying.
I kept an open mind knowing the mind is very powerful. It can heel us. The power of the mind is fascinating and for me no more so than the heroin experiment. Heroin addicts were given a 'fake' drug and still got high and even more amazing went through the usual withdrawal symptoms from the fake heroin. The mind has a mind of its own!
Back to john. He seemed harmless enough; let people believe what they will. He doesn't even charge for his services. What can be the harm? Many claim he cured them. However, there was a moment watching the documentary when I realized the man was indeed a sexual pervert.
The woman in question, a (young and attractive) New Zealander who was skeptical -- but gave her will over to john in the belief that she could be cured -- leaned against a wall with her eyes closed, head back in what seemed like a trance waiting for john to do his surgery. John of God looked her up and down, grabbed both her breasts in his hands, opened her blouse to take a peek at her left breast, exposing her bra, and then shoved -- what looked like a 4 or 5 inches long -- surgical forceps up her nostril and twisted it quite violently -- it caused me to wince.
Later the woman said she wasn't sure how she felt or if the operation worked. (Days later she was hospitalized the moment she got off the plane in New Zealand.) I was sure she would say something about his groping hands, I was embarrassed for her just watching it, but she said nothing about it - nor did anyone else in the documentary. I was perplexed by this. It made me angry and sad to see this woman who completely trusted john -- as well as agree to be filmed for this documentary -- be so savagely violated.
Perhaps the filmmakers believe the film speaks for itself, including this sexual violation, which in some countries is a crime, but obviously not in Brazil. If john, or anyone needs to cop a feel before plugging into the spirit, then it is safe to say, yes, JOHN OF GOD is a fraud and shamelessly a sexually perverted fraud as well.
hi diane, i'm the young woman in question, linelle. hey, honestly there was no fondling of breasts going on! he most definitely did not open my shirt and peek in! come on. if it was my shoulders he grabbed no one would care but because it was breasts people are offended. dont be cos i'm not. truly. thats where all my tumours are. thats where the shit energy is. so he needed to feel that. it was most definitely not a grab at my tits and i've had a few so i know! i felt completely safe and happy with what he did and still do. minds out of the gutter and onto healing. don't feel sad i'm exploited on national tv, cause i was there,in brasil and it was the most fab experience of my life. hey and remember he's an unconcious medium, so it was an entity doing the grabbing not him. muito amor, linelle
Thank you Linelle. It is very kind of you to want to reassure me. I made a blog entry that you responded so that others can see your full comment.
Hi Diane and Linelle, Diane you have a wonderful spider sense for all things "bad". Linelle I do understand how you felt after Joao "treated" you and there have indeed been many healings at the Casa. However Joao is indeed a sexual predator of a magnitude that defies comprehension. I was a tour guide to the Casa for many years and even though I "knew" about his behavior I could not bring myself to believe that good and evil could co-exist like it does at the Casa. So I decided not to "see". However, I just cannot stand to see my sisters abused any longer. Healing does not require fondling and healers who do touch certain body parts should not have erections. (loose cotton trousers cannot hide everything). Also, women are often asked to go for private sessions. In these sessions they are asked to kneel down. Their heads are covered with a towel and Joao undoes his pants and asks for oral sex. If a women refuses she is told that she has "passed" the test and is given gifts and attention. If she goes along (women are often like Linelle, disassociated and very vulnerable)she may be asked to return and is given special privileges for a while. (He loves her, how can this be bad?) If she is upset, she is taken away, the ejaculate wiped from her face by a Casa worker and given a meal. Often women flee because behind the healing is power and Brazilian women know how dangerous power is. (Mothers of young girls who find out that their daughters have been molested often flee to protect their daughters) If she wakes up and is angry she is told that she is lying that it never happened. If that does not work there are death threats and at that point the victim usually goes home. His victims number in the high hundreds and the sad thing is that, since he likes "white paper" they are getting ever younger. Those who have been violated (without even knowing) like Linelle number in the thousands. What price healing?
Thank you Diane for have such a good nose for news. It is time for women everywhere to say "Enough!!"
John of God is a sexual predator.
Hello One Voice in the Dark,
how is it that Medium Joao has developed this little "test" for several female followers, who do not know that they're gonna go through a test, and what are the names of the "highly evolved entities" who coax these females to go for a private session with medium joao? It's like a trap. Like, it's gonna look bad, feel bad, and sound real bad, but it's for your own good? Is that what the entities intention is? Or the Medium Joao, in his 'infinite kindness', he is doing that to 'help' his female followers, as young as 13? Uh, is that why his first wife commited suicide? Uh, is that also why his current wife seems 30 years younger than him? Uh, is that why he's been married several times, has several children, like 9 the last I heard of it, and uh, did he molest his daughters and nieces too? uh, it must be good for everyone if the "entities" are uh, aproving of it and they are still using him as the "instrument of God". Uh, maybe only a few females will be molested, against the millions that are cured, so we wash both our hands, uh, right? After all, he is "the most powerful medium in the whole planet" so it is small sacrifice we, "the casa children" and everyone else who are choosing to deny and close their eyes, besides it's the females fault anyway, she's the one that "gave herself away" to the medium, therefore it is their fault, and besides, it's like we bite them, wound them, but then afterwards we lick their wound, or tend to it... hum, I'd like to know why is this sort of little test kept secret, after all it's "approved and condoned" by the entities and staff of the Casa, so I'd like to know why is it that we can't publish a book about this wonderful little test that medium joao and his entities came up with. I'm sure the whole world would be in awe...
Now, I'd also like to know if all the "tour guides", and "children of the Casa" know about this, that they know that medium joao is trying to, and having sexual intercourse with innocent little girls and females followers, some of whom their parents don't know what he's doing to their daughters, and uh, also, the authors of the famous fantasy books about the amazing, blessed, and iluminated mission of John of God, I'd like to know why did they miss this important detail in their books about the superhuman medium, as they claim, he's compared to "Jesus"!?
I'd like also to know how many victims have tried to go back to the Casa and confront the medium joao by what he did, and what his answers were. Like it was a lie, but when you have several females saying it, maybe one may start to believe in those victims.
There is no arrest or punishment for sexual predators in Brasil, as long as they have money, correct? Has John of God murdered some of these female victims who came to confront him? Who's the hit man?? Maybe one of the "children of the Casa", who's also making a lot of money like John of God?
Is it why one time there was a group of men who chased after John of God's car once in Brazil, and that they were trying to kill him, but were unsuccesful because the man is protected by these same "highly evolved entities" that condone him having sexual intercourse with female followers who are forced to accept it in order to receive a cure?
What I find from your comments is the hearsaying not an hand on experience or first hand experience.
It is eassy to destroy than to buid, you better shut up or thing before you talk.
If you are so currious why don't go there and see by yourselves and than write.
Well, I did have first hand experience with John of God. I was sexually molested by him twice. I did not take the first time as sexual molestation because he only asked me to hug him and stare deep in his eyes, and he massaged my hips saying he was working on my chakras... I thought he was a good man at that point. But the second time I was invited by the entities to go see the "medium Joao", he tried to have sex with me, asked me to hold certain parts of him... You were wrong on your assumption, I know John of God better than most of his followers. I was once one of his admirers and came to seek help at the Casa until he did what he did. The next day he acted as if nothing had happened, and he did not even mind asking my name.
oh my God, I'm shocked... (Sorry about my bad English). I came to Google to look for something that could help me to understand what happened, cause I couldn't believe that the man who is admired for millions of people could be such a pervert. I've been going to the Casa, and now the "entity" told me to talk to the medium. He treated me like a special person, and made some strange things with his hands, and asked me to touch him, his belly... asked me to make some moviments with my body... I found that really strange, but I was in doubdt if it really was about energy and chakras... or if the man is really sick. Now I can see... I can't believe it... how can he cheat so many people in the hole world???
Thank you for all the information below, especially from those of you who suffered victimization or molestation. I am wondering if there is a way to more comprehensively organize and disseminate this information so that this can be made more public? When I first heard of JOG and googled his name, none of this information came up. It was only after I heard rumors and conducted more specific searches that I found this website. If all of this is true, I especially feel bad for the poor, young, and possibly illiterate Brazilian girls and women who are being exploited and abused and who may have no recourse to publicly speak about what happened to them. I feel it is imperative for those of us who are able to speak, organize, and publicly disseminate this information to do so, in order to prevent this from happening again. Also, if JOG is a sexual exploiter and abuser, he also needs help. (Perhaps he was also sexually abused as a child?) I am sure his capacity for healing is being greatly curtailed by his abusive behavior.
From Jane to the lady that posted as anonymous above:
I was also treated like that, exactly like that the first time the entities asked me to go see "Medium Joao". He hughed me, and told me to look deep into his eyes, then he rolled his eyes upwards, as if being taken by some spirit. Then he told me to hugh him, and press my body against his. Then he said he was working on my chakras, and he told me to move my hips. I felt awkward, because he is a guy, so I moved a little bit and felt awkward, and he told me to move more, and he started massaging my hips... It was weird, but it felt like he was trying to help me or something. He treated me all special, like I was an honored guest, offered me a drink, a soda, told me to sit on his couch. Asked other followers to leave his office, and just stayed alone with me. You get to feel great at this point. Then, on my second visit when the entities told me to go back there to see Medium Joao in his private office, that was when he opened a little curtain down a hallway from his office, and there is a twin size mattress there against the wall, that's when he told me to lay down there and he was gonna work on my chakras, so he keeps asking for females to take their clothes off, to hold his part, then he tells them that they were together in previous lives, and if the female is naive enough I have no doubt he will have sexual intercouse with them, and I do believe this man has impregnated many brazilian poor women who went there, because they are even more vulnerable. Pllllllleeeeeeeease do not go to the Casa, that's all I ask of anyone who ask me.
Oh yes, I do remember also on my second visit John of God sexual predator asked me to start breathing deeply and fast. I started doing that, and then he asked me if I was feeling like I was going to faint, and I wasn't really, but told him I was, for I felt I was failing on something, as if I was supposed to feel faint. But I did not. So he puts his hands on my forehead saying he is going to open my third-eye... he also put his hands on my chest saying he was going to open my heart chakra... this is all a scheme to use and abuse his female followers... If he was a true healer he would do it in front of everyone and with deep respect for the females. If he wants to have sex with many women, and gets aroused by his unsuspecting female followers, he should state his intentions upfront, instead of deceiving them. He also asked me to put his male organ on my mouth, and when I showed no interest in that for I was not there for sex, but for healing, he backed away. But he was offering sex as a healing...
John of God says that he was raised Catholic, and he likes Christianity, likes Spiritism, says he will follow his "mission", but in reality when he is behind closed doors with female followers and alone, this is the last thing that crosses his mind. He has no self control, and does not behave christian when he has a chance to put his hands on some dissociated female follower. He acts more like a pagan would, offering sex for healing. That is what the truth is.
From my own experience to everyone out there, I have learned that John of God's mediumistic abilities are intertwined with his sexual nature. That is interesting to see that the entities of the Casa need a sexual predator of this caliber as instrument of their healing... It's a knife that cuts both ways. Seems to me like the entities should chose someone else other than John of "God" who can have more respect for the ones they claim to try to help. It is not an act of love when there is no respect. All healing is done from within, and it is neither John of God nor the entities who are doing the healing, but the people who go there themselves seeking a healing are healing themselves: if it is in their chart to heal from a disease they will heal without the help of the entities, but by God, no matter what method they try. If it is not in their chart to be healed, no amount of prayer will heal anyone, and God won't save anyone if it is not programed with God.
All highly skilled mediums are highly sexual, but few are evolved enough to not turn that into a destructive weapon, but an instrument of healing, and using that energy to help others instead of abusing them. Healing energy is sexual in nature. Only the combination of a demented mind like John of "God" could encompass a highly sexual person who has no control over himself, and only under trance are the entities able to channel that. John of "God" is not as great as told by many, he is like most mediums, only more famous because he opened the Casa and does stuff for "free". Any medium who can incorporate and heal with hands can do what he does if they opened a place and started offering the same kind of services for free, but in the US that is against the law to do that. It's a marketing move on his part, not charity. The soup kitchen he opened is right across from a police station. That is another political move on his part than any intended real charity. He is very public about his charity work, as if trying to convince the unaware of his "holiness". He has absolutely no integrity, and what he paints himself to be is not what you really get. That is very similar to the cases of priests molesting boys, but with John of God you get all the oohh and aaahh of his circus of tricks to impress believers. I am sure that for as long as the Casa is open, there will be female followers and children as well being sexually molested by him, for nobody can even go to the Casa with intentions of doing something about it, for John of "God" is protected by the entities that condone his sexual abuse, as well as by a mob of followers that do not know what he is about. Also, true charity is done in secret, and the only thing he does secret is his molestation of female followers.
what the hell is an entity?
man, girls sound very dumb to fall for this..\
it makes me wish i was not a romantic..
are people so dumb?
is it for this, that Jesus said a rich man could not enter the kingdom of heaven ..as a camel could not enter an eye of the needle..
he is healing no one..
i only heard this silly name tonight by another silly guy..
you people disgust me...truth be told..
ahh, i cant wait for the WAR to come... to destroy such stupidity..
he is not from God nor the devil..
he is just smart and you people are stupid...
how disgusting for the guys like me who simply want to fall in love..
and u offer your fear for falsity..
u both sin...
que susto
If this is true about Jon of God then why doesn't someone use a wire tap or hidden camera on a beautiful young woman to prove he's a pervert. If he is healing people and doing God's miracles. Then there's no way God would give his power to a pervert but evil haters would spread lies to try and stop his miracles. Jesus was done the same way many lies were told on him and the people and religious leaders killed him. They also killed all his followers who possessed the power of healing. Jesus did say those who are his true followers will do his miracles and greater. I don't know if he's real or fake cause never seen for myself but if he is a true healer from God then I feel sorry for anyone who spreads lies on him
It is not that simple to just put a hidden camera on a beautiful young woman, although it should be tried. It would take a bit of time and money to gather a team for that. Plus I have seen John of God cussing out reporters who went there undercover. Given his psychic abilities, he would know something was being set up. There is more to it than you know. And don't feel sorry for me, I'm not spreading lies about John of God. He sexually molested me while I went to his office under the instruction of the "entity" and staff from the Casa. Question and doubt all you want, my job is only to tell what I went through while at the Casa, and hope that others will not fall for this sexual predator.
Hi there, John of God is there for those who have faith and believe in God. Hes is not selling or asking for anything in exchage of his work. Some people are just so insecure that cannot accept the fact somebody else has inherited this woderful gift, which is this great energy capable of help and heal others. We all have to make an effort to deserve being around John of God and the entities. Nothing will come easily, even though most people thing that way. Please sit down for ten minutes, close your eyes, and try not to think about things you want to buy or things you have to pay...that is a good start, good luck!!!Everyone have a great sunday!!!
Hello Diane. I found your profile looking for information about this guy. A friend of mine who is a believer in Christ Jesus has been having some faith difficulties, and I suspected that he was looking elsewhere for spiritual inspiration and direction. He confirmed it the other day when we talked and told me that a Dr. friend of the family told him about this guy and it it seems to me that he is really intrigued.
I told him to be very careful with people like him, they are decieving and prey upon people that are vunerable. Seeing the stories here just confirms my suspicions. Right now the only thing I can do for my friend is to continue to pray for him and ask God to open his eyes to the truth so that he is not lead down the wrong path.
John of ? Is a fraud , pedifile, evil soul... More importantly is his Adgenda... He together with the Russian Government are moving now in creating and colonizing a hybrid race to try and become a superpower by 11/11/11. They are interbreeding young Brazilian girls with a Dangerous Alien race! The US will do nothing to intervene cause many of them are part of the entire plot.
Certian Crystals are being Actvated by the Alien threat and placed in locations that are instrumental in enlisting the masses. Approaching or trusting These evil Beings will bring eminent danger..
A young Australian recently went to Brazil for a healing never to return. You will not hear this on the news..
She was never found.. Beware there is a cult center in Sedona Arizona that is called John of God Peace center. Do not enter, or enter at your own risk. This evil must and will be terminated . Protect your self from evil. Speaking out and exposing of this evil and taking the stand to fight back wit love and truth is the only way to end this mass deception for now and our future... Please take a stand in
truth and love.. Thank you
This is all very interesting.
For a short period of time, I had contact with a "Congo priest" (my descriptive title) in Cuba and he did healings on me and my friends, but never felt us up. He truly did incarnate a spirit that communicated with us. He also could answer questions that I simply thought about but didn't verbalize. He never claimed to be a healer, he just was.
I also had another experience with someone who claimed to be a healer but he just used this as an excuse to see me naked and to try to seduce me. I'm very comfortable being naked in front of others, so this was no big deal for me, and when he tried to get me to have sex with him, by reading a passage from the bible, I simply said no.
Many people can use their abilities of intuition and other worldly knowledge in an effort to manipulate others. All people must learn not to manipulate others. To simply be honest and open. People who have honed their intuitive abilities are no more or less prone to manipulate others. It is best to simply find healers that understand that we are not to manipulate others.
I also think that if another person has the power to heal us, that power lies within ourselves and we don't need to depend on others in order to heal.
How come nobody is questioning the fact that John of God is suddenly possessed by spirits? Do people in the 21st century really believe in supernatural powers? Really? I feel bad for you if you do...
John of God does charge people although indirectly. He writes prescriptions for herbs that you buy from him. He sells "holy water". He charges for crystal baths he recommends. He sells books and merchandising. Based on the amount of money my mother spent there in a day buying what he recommended and the number of people present, he is probably making $5,000 to $10,000 US a day, three times per week.
John of God really heals, and unfortunately he also does sexual things with women who goes there in order to be healed... i´m really sad to know about this, but it is true.Congratulations for your blog. Perhaps it is better for people to know about this.
part 1:
To any woman who has experienced sexual abuse by Joao de Deus, aka John of God, I send love & prayers that you may find ways to be healed. It is terrible to be abused by a supposedly Spiritual Healer. It is a rape of not only your body, but also your Spirit. I lived in Abadiania, not the typical 2 weeks, that the expensive tours bring you on, but 6 months, so that my eyes were opened. There is something messed up, when a healer keeps saying they heal for free, they heal for free, which makes vulnerable people TRUST, in a way they might not trust, if the healer were charging. However, Joao charges for the herbs, charges for water that must be drunk exclusively, sells inflated priced crystals, coerses people into buying crystal beds, that are many thousands of dollars, that people often weren't expecting or wanting to buy, but who feel ego inflated "Chosen" to buy it, he tells couples that they "need" to buy special superexpensive matching crystals etc, etc. He demands kick backs from the tour operators, I know this as a fact directly from one of them, I assume the others do as well and the guest houses, etc etc. Joao is not a healer working for free, by any means. He is a very rich healer, supposedly "working for G*D." I, like Salvador, assume he probably has some healing abilities, but not as great as most people believe, and a lot is due to people's faith in him. I don't think anyone would sit there all day just for the money, I assume he has a big investment in his identity as a HEALER, someone who gets a lot of attention & appreciation for his supposed special unique extraordinary healing powers..
Healers have to support themselves somehow, I'm not against that. And I do believe there are some genuine, sincere authentic healers, who are gifted out there. However, Joao makes so much emphasis,"I DON'T TAKE ANY MONEY FOR MY HEALING, I AM DOING G*D'S WORK" over & over. AND, for extremely sick, vulnerable people, they put down their normal wariness, sometimes spending their life savings, to travel there, and pay the tour guides, whom Joao "highly recommends" if you are visiting (and remember it is highly recommended/demanded that tour guides give back a specific percentage of their loot back to Joao.)
I hesitated saying anything to anybody about what I was beginning to realize, since as Tusaki points out, people's Faith in a Healer, no matter what the truth of the Healer's abilities, can lead to healing. And I think Joao has created an amazing EXPECTATION of healing at his place
There are quite a number of remarkable healings that are reported at the CASA. However, one thing most people don't figure in, is the huge number of people he processes thru, in any given day. He on a good day can have many hundreds, even a 1,000 people passing by him in a single day. Almost all of them are pretty ill. So if you have 1,000 a people a day that's 365,000 a year. the casa is only open certain days, but even if you have "only" 50,000 or 100,000 people a year passing in front of one person, they are bound to be credited with some healings, Especially because many, many of the people visiting Joao are also doing many other alternative and/or conventional treatments simultaneously. Statistically, a certain number of them are going to get well, even with cancer or other serious illnesses.
(continued part 2)
part 2
I think there are better ways to heal. EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, TAT, Reiki, Diet change & attitude change, herbs, accupuncture, louise Hay, etc., etc People want to have a "quick fix" but most people who become sick have more choice about life style change & greater spiritual alignment, then they like to admit. As one teacher of mine said, "in order to get well from a serious illness, you need to change yourself so much, that the illness no longer recognizes you." and ultimately, usually sooner than we expect or want, we are all going to die, healing miracle or not. However, by going on a true personal healing journey, we can often extend our lives significantly, and improve the quality of our lives as well.
If Joao were not abusing women sexually, I would leave it alone. But with all Joao's protestations that he never takes a coin, he is working for G*D, and then you visit someone like Valentim, who is much more sincere, not looking for glory or big bucks, truly serving the poor, it makes Joao's protestations "I don't take money" look like a joke.
I don't specifically know a woman who was sexually molested by Joao, HOWEVER, I heard from various different people, who didn't know each other who knew personally women who had been sexually abused. that generally suggests something is going on. As a therapist, I know that time and again, when several different women, who report they have been sexually abused, (just like what happens when priests have sexually abused boys or girls) and they don't know each other, all say they have been abused, it is very likely true. Still, I was unsure. I didn't want to express my growing doubts about Joao to any of the pilgrims there, because I knew faith has so much to do with healing. However, I met a highly respected doctor finally, who was not coming for his own healing, and had been in Abadiania awhile, and I had a long talk, expressing my concern about the "I don't take money for healing" pitch to the very sick & vulnerable, and also the growing number of stories I'd heard about women being sexually abused. It turned out that he was personally treating a woman, who had been sexually abused by Joao. that was enough evidence for me...
If Joao were willing to admit that he'd gone astray and needed help, it would be one thing. Many healers have gifts, but also personal challenges, especially when so many people idolize them. However, what made me saddest, was that when I started asking around to the leaders of groups to the Casa, if they knew anything about these rumors, because they were bound to know, and I felt that Joao needed to be talked to and helped with this issue (this was when I still thought he was a great healer) I heard them say ( and some of them are licensed therapists, legally bound to report sexual abuse) things like "oh it was for the person's healing, it is not for us to judge or know what a "TRUE HEALER" is doing" or "oh the person is making it up to get attention." You know one or two our there people might do that, but there are too many consistent reports, from all over the world and in Brasil as well. reporting sexual abuse, and frankly, using your position of power & respect to coerse someone into a sexual act, when they had no desire to do that, but felt scared and confused that they wouldn't heal without following what the "healer" was saying, IS NOT HEALING. In fact, it is devastating, creates new scars, alienation from self and the whole supposed "loving community" you are suddenly separated from, cause no one wants to hear anything bad about Joao, when he seems like he may be the only and last desperate ticket to health. what Joao is doing to these women and even young girls, is tremendously traumatic. I know they can find ways to heal, and I pray that they find that healing...
(continued part 3)
part 3
Your body has an amazing capacity to heal, and your Soul can receive huge learning and a new inner peace, even if it is your time to leave your body. A lot of healing is in your own hands:
Hope this is of help...
Perhaps G*D is using Joao in ways I don't know, may my words provide, solace, hope & inspiration. Always trust your inner guidance, your gut. All this is just my perspective from having studied from many healers from many traditions, and ultimately learning that many can help in different ways, but most healing is an inside job. that doesn't mean you shouldn't ask for help from G*D and sincere, dedicated health practitioners. Get a healing team to help you, if you can afford it. Look for all the free help on the web, relaxation, meditation, on youtube and many other places for free.
May we all be blessed, may we all awaken to the beauty that is within us, always...
Love to you on your Healing Journey!
Oh ye of little faith....
Oh, ye of little faith......
hi, i´m impressed about the comments.
i was a guest in vienna the last days i must say i believe in those words the women wrote. we saw that the only thing, what was going on was to make money. after an operation you had to buy 6 bottles of blessed water (plastic six pack) for € 2,-/litre. one ticket was € 120,- for one day. some crazy guys were talking on the stage and telling us to be healed people things you can read in the telephone book. they sang happy birthday (austrian version) for those who had birthday. praying into a wooden triangle people were waiting for a long time. a lot of sick, deceased people were around and after hours of waiting you come up to him, sitting in his white chair and the only thing he does is to wave you into the next room, where a strange lady is doing a healing with you. (oh my god, this was such a mess.) and after 2 seconds in front of joao and 5 mins of meditation you are cleaned up. nothing else happens. i have seen and experienced myself many strong channelings and a lot of work on people as an helper or by myself, but what happened there is a farce. i do wish people hope, healing and power to work with their life and situations, but you don´t need a guru like him to be cured. you need your own consciousness, your own believe in love, your own way to solve problems. help yourself and of course free your mind. i hope for everyone who reads this comment i have been a little bit helpful.
yours ...
I've been at the event with joao de deus on one of the last days, too. And there I felt the strongest loving- and healing-energy I've ever felt (and I live a healthy and happy life :) ). The time waiting I used for meditations, and I had a great time. There has always be mentioned that 5o % of the healing work has to be done by the people thereselfes (with there thoughts, words and doings). But beyond that I felt the great help of the strong energy there (and even the days since meeting the entities). I am sure there is so much more in our lifes than that we can see, detect and explain (but you often can see even stitches after an invisible operation on a radiogram of a medicine!). Just give yourself the chance to let your HEART and SOUL FEEL things (of course without switching off the brain :) ). And the day I've been there, nobody has been forced to buy water (even less six bottles of it!). The price of the ticket has been ok for me, cause they had to build up the tents, rent the rooms of the hotel in which parts of the event were held, lunch and drinks were included and they had to pay many members of the staff - Joao de Deus doesn't get anything of the money!). I am grateful for the wonderful experience and wish you all the best! God may bless you!
My husband and I live in VOC (Village of Oak Creek, Sedona mailing), and pass by John's "Casa" during our walks. We suspected the place was a rehab center because it is always locked up tightly and we never see anyone go in or out (we looked for Lyndsay Lohan to no avail). The fence surrounding the building has several of those signature triangles, which I now see (after reading your postings) as phallic symbols. Sad that a perpetrator would come into an American city that is supposed to be one of the most spiritual in the country to exploit those in need.
Thanks for the expose; when I walk by, I'll have something to say when tourists ask if I know about the identity of the secretive buildings.
THIS should cause some interesting reading on the matter...for all interested...use a translator or ask someone who is fluent in portuguese/brazilian to translate it for you.
Pergunta : Ainda acontece os contatos sexuais que o médium faz? geralmente com mulheres ( 1 Responda ) Veja tudo
Responda : ele fez com você ou com alguém de sua família? ele ainda pratica estes contatos mas é natural o usufruto destas trocas não se preocupe. todo mundo sabe e não faz mal a ninguém. elas gostam. mas não ouvi caso ainda de ele ter contato com homem mesmo porque atende muito mais as mulheres para ajudar. com caridade claro.
Fonte: http://pt.shvoong.com/humanities/1976751-jo%C3%A3o-deus/#ixzz1MHcNr3Cl
It starts of with a question on a forum...someone asks if this man still engages in the whole sex with the clients thing...the answer will astound you...especially the frase "elas gostam" found in the text.Translated...it boils down to stating that its ok cos the women love it!!
Revolting in the least..
OMG I just came across these comments about John of God and am so glad that I did.
I was in Abadiana in 2001 and 2002 to see JOG.
First time, I was very impressed because I had several 'invisible' healings in the the healing room where several of us sat while spirit worked on us. My experience was that of some sort of 'scanner' coming down over my head and this was followed by invisible hands manipulating various areas inside my body. I also had crystal healing while there and felt certain chakras being tweeked and worked on.
I saw no evidence of sexual impropriety but was disappointed at having to pay so much for water, crystals etc.
I witnessed John doing nose jobs and sat in meditation with others while he attended those who were in line to see him. All together, it was an uplifting experience.
The second year I went, it was different. The prices for everything had increased - pousadas, herbs, water, crystals and John was now imposing restrictions on where we could go.
For example, he forbad us to go to Crystalina but the rebel in me went there anyway. I went with a companion and while there, we spoke with a crystal seller and asked if he'd had experience of JOG. He said that he'd had trouble with him because he refused to sell his crystals at the very low price that JOG wanted to pay. We then paid a visit to Brasilia.
From a market trader here, we found out that it was well known in Brazil that JOG had sexually abused one of his own daughters and that she was now an alcoholic. This event adversely affected visitor numbers; years ago, the Casa had many more visitors than now; coachloads in fact, hence the coachpark next to the Casa - now empty. When we got back to the Casa, word must have got out that we'd 'absconded' because JOG's 'minders' were constantly watching us.
My companion befriended a lawyer who lived in the vicinity and one day, she kindly offered him a lift to the nearest town, Anapolis. They were not even out of Abadiania when she suddenly said 'We are being followed'. He turned round to see a smart car full of his 'minders' who were brandishing guns. They turned round and went back to her house and nothing further happened.
My final memory is of pastor Luis who lived in Abadiania. He used to frequent the Juice Bar (until JOG banned him)and spoke to all about JOG's dark side. He told us that each time he added to the construction of his church, JOG's men came and trashed it. Further, they had made several threats to kill him if he did not stop turning people away from JOG. Luis said he would never give up telling people that JOG was evil.
I met people who'd been going there for years and had experienced no change in their health; they'd mortgaged their houses and sold everything to be with JOG, and yet they kept returning. These are my experiences of Abadiania.
I agree with a former poster that it's hard to find anything negative about what's going on in Abadiania. Perhaps this thread can be brought to life again with more contributions? I'm sure that many people would be interested to read 'the other side' of what's really going on there.
22nd May 2011
OMG I just came across these comments about John of God and am so glad that I did.
I was in Abadiana in 2001 and 2002 to see JOG.
First time, I was very impressed because I had several 'invisible' healings in the the healing room where several of us sat while spirit worked on us. My experience was that of some sort of 'scanner' coming down over my head and this was followed by invisible hands manipulating various areas inside my body. I also had crystal healing while there and felt certain chakras being tweeked and worked on.
I saw no evidence of sexual impropriety but was disappointed at having to pay so much for water, crystals etc.
I witnessed John doing nose jobs and sat in meditation with others while he attended those who were in line to see him. All together, it was an uplifting experience.
The second year I went, it was different. The prices for everything had increased - pousadas, herbs, water, crystals and John was now imposing restrictions on where we could go.
For example, he forbad us to go to Crystalina but the rebel in me went there anyway. I went with a companion and while there, we spoke with a crystal seller and asked if he'd had experience of JOG. He said that he'd had trouble with him because he refused to sell his crystals at the very low price that JOG wanted to pay. We then paid a visit to Brasilia.
From a market trader here, we found out that it was well known in Brazil that JOG had sexually abused one of his own daughters and that she was now an alcoholic. This event adversely affected visitor numbers; years ago, the Casa had many more visitors than now; coachloads in fact, hence the coachpark next to the Casa - now empty. When we got back to the Casa, word must have got out that we'd 'absconded' because JOG's 'minders' were constantly watching us.
My companion befriended a lawyer who lived in the vicinity and one day, she kindly offered him a lift to the nearest town, Anapolis. They were not even out of Abadiania when she suddenly said 'We are being followed'. He turned round to see a smart car full of his 'minders' who were brandishing guns. They turned round and went back to her house and nothing further happened.
My final memory is of pastor Luis who lived in Abadiania. He used to frequent the Juice Bar (until JOG banned him)and spoke to all about JOG's dark side. He told us that each time he added to the construction of his church, JOG's men came and trashed it. Further, they had made several threats to kill him if he did not stop turning people away from JOG. Luis said he would never give up telling people that JOG was evil.
I met people who'd been going there for years and had experienced no change in their health; they'd mortgaged their houses and sold everything to be with JOG, and yet they kept returning. These are my experiences of Abadiania.
I agree with a former poster that it's hard to find anything negative about what's going on in Abadiania. Perhaps this thread can be brought to life again with more contributions? I'm sure that many people would be interested to read 'the other side' of what's really going on there.
has anyone heard of the latest scandle of JOG in Sedona - seems he did it again, and the female owner of the centre tried to pay the women off....
I am one of the many women, I know, that was molested by this sociopath called "JOG". That is the bottom line of what this man is. Even though the experience happened on my trip there about 3 years ago, I still bear hatred and trauma in my heart, and a certain desire for revenge every time I hear his name. I was disgusted to find out he had gone on Oprah, and now I hate Oprah too. I hate that man, and I hope one day he pays for what he has done to me. And no, it was not an enjoyable experience being molested by that pervert. I still bear the scar. I only wait and hope for the day that justice will be done. Thank you for the people who posted here wishing me well, and trying to comfort me, it has helped. I really do hate that man, and I do not doubt he has killed people who tried to expose his truth, and also that he has molested his own daughter and even other family members. He is a sociopath, never forget that.
I spent a year at the Casa Dominocio as I had serious health problems. My best advice would to stay as far away from this place as possible. At the time, I wanted to believe as I needed help for serious health problems for a life threatening condition. However, I cannot begin to tell you all of the problems and horrible situations that occured while I was there and after leaving. Frankly, I was so desparate to be healed that I ignored a lot of obvious warnign signs combined with the manipulation that goes on there.
Make no mistake, what goes on there is beyond our understanding but people who go there are often desparate and "drink the koolaid".
Since returning home, I was attacked physically and mentally. When I threatened to tell people about it, I was again threatened in ways that lets just say are also beyonf my understanding.
Frankly, if you are reading this and are skpetical I don't blame you. For much of the time I was there I was a skeptic and couldn't believe that such things exist but they do.
I am not the only one bad things have happened to since leaving this place but you won't find their stories on any spiritual websites or Casa material. All of the guides will tell you rosy stories and give you the Casa 'talking points' because they are seduced by the idea of being what they believe is 'close to God' and a lot of ego stuff that goes along with that.
When you really think about it, people are often so desparate to find meaning in life, develop spirituality or get healed that they do not use common sense and this place is also very adept at mnaipulation.
Whatever this place is or there intention, they do not belong on this earth.
I have been a guide at the Casa for many years, here is my take on what is happening.
Is Joao (John)highly charged sexually? Yes. Has he taken advantage of his position as a healer to seduce women and girls into allowing him to take sexual liberties? Yes.
Healing and sexual energy go hand in hand. They are the same. It takes great personal strength for a healer to use one and put the other aside. Even good, kind people can be corrupted by the strength of this energy. It is up to you as a spiritual explorer to develop the life skills to not lose yourself in the energy of a healer and to protect teach those who do not have those skills!
Is the Casa an instrument of financial gain for Joao? No
I know for a fact that Joao does not care about the money the Casa brings in outside of the enormous cost of running such a large enterprise. Once as a tour guide, I handed him $10,000 cash (donations from a large tour) and 5 minutes later I saw a ragged nun leave his office, tears streaming down her face, with the whole wad of cash!
Are there any "safe" "holy" places in the world? No
You are only as safe as your own poise and discretion can allow.
Is the healing at the Casa a fraud? No
The Casa is a hospital that turns no one away! Thieves, con artists, perverts, the mentally ill, delusional people, stubborn people, egotistical people and people with all physical illness are treated. Everything is real, nothing is real. God is so loving he allows us the freedom to explore ourselves and our world in any fashion we choose, and always there is the opportunity to heal!
What would I wish for...
I wish for every person in the world to have an adventure, a pilgrimage, a sacred journey. I wish that people would be strong, know themselves, stay in their bodies and make wise choices about their journeys. I wish that people would have the courage to tell the truth to each other and their children without embroidering it with emotional detail. I wish for all people to draw wisdom from experience rather then expression. I wish for people to not abdicate their human rights for the illusion of safety. I wish for people to be so wise that they can experience life without the need for laws or government.
Read the attached and share your thoughts, you are valued!!
Hello Diane,
I did not read all of the comments but did want to add something I noticed when watching a prime time story on the OWN network this evening.
Last year I discovered that my friend of 25 years and boyfriend of 9 months has a personality disorder. He is a psychopath.
also called anti social personality disorder.
I am an intelligent business owner, very observant and not easily taken in. My ex is CEO of a billion dollar company. No authentic friends only employees and people he uses. He hides behind that mask and is extremely skilled at his game. My world view will never be the same,I see things with new eyes.
I watched JOG and feel pretty sure this is what is going on in Brazil. If one reads up on psychopathy they are deceptive and without conscience. They seek power, control, money. The ease with which they quite brilliantly lie, take advantage of the vulnerable and hide behind a well constructed mask closely resembles JOG.
They live a double life, a mask so in place they con everyone. I would not be surprised if the real JOG is a nothing like his public persona.
My ex had hazel eyes that would sometimes turn very dark like black coffee. I know this sounds impossible but it is true. He also had the ted bundy eyes on three occasions. The only reason I bring up the eyes is that I noticed JOG had light eyes and then in his eyes turned very dark. Could have been the lighting but I would be interested in knowing if anyone who has seen him in action noticed any changes.
As for the breast grabbing, he seemed roughly aggressive, not gentle and spiritual.
Also, he feigns tears when questioned about his veracity and the for profit nature of all the crap he sells.
This is of course only my opinion but I saw personality disorder red flags.
Thank you everyone for your comments. I am a woman of faith in Jesus Christ and have worked as a holistic healer for twenty years. I went to see JOG two days ago with an open mind to discover what he was offering -- my interest being from the standpoint of a healer myself and also to open myself to a potential means of healing from a recent family crisis. I had an intensely negative experience of JOG and the whole "mill" of his enterprise. Never before had I felt so violated after a "spiritual experience" -- and I have had numerous profound spiritual moments in my life. My encounter with his entities left me feeling that my energies had been USED for the purpose of bolstering the darker forces present there. I feel so foolish now for having been so naive. For the last two days, I am weakened and on bed rest, praying to God to restore a right spirit within me. This was NOT healing, but a massive energetic rip off. It will take me time to recover, and I have faith that I will. I also pray for others who are seduced into giving away their trust to a flawed man and his entities. I wish all could read this blog.
Lastly, I would say that the most disturbing social element of JOG's work (aside form my personal negative experience) is the co-mingling of scripture/the authentic words of Jesus Christ with impure intentions. This amounts to a large scale deception. Yes, he has everyone there "drinking the Koolaid." I doubt I will set foot on the Omega Institute campus ever again, so revolted was I by the experience.
Yes, it is true that "all healing comes from God." I only wish that JOG could actually live by these words.
I disagree with the above comments.
I went to the same Omega gathering the above commentator went to (sept 26-28) I too am a healer and I am a rational journalist. I understand the power of the mind to create "miracles."
I went without expectation. I had an invisible surgery. My energy is fine, I do not feel ripped off in any way.
In fact I had an intensely positive and emotionally healing dream encounter with my departed wife on the final night of the 8 day prescribed healing period.
I asked for my eyesight to go from 20/200 to 20/20, so far no change, but I am at the beginning of a 40 day healing period, so we'll see.
Actually, you are told to lie down and do nothing for 24 hours after an intervention, some people I spoke to said they slept the entire 24 hours, others tried to walk and collapsed after 100 yeards, so I'm not surprised the holistic healer felt tired.
I cannot speak to the sexual allegations. I am a man and I guess I was not JOG's type...
I did notice all of his assistants in the healing room, about a dozen or so, were all women.
Most of his closest advisors are women.
I felt no dark forces, nor any ripoff. I did see one woman get very upset that she was not instantly healed. No one claims you will get anything, and in fact we are told, most of the healing "unfolds."
The answer to all healing is; maybe.
My jury is still but open on JOG's operation as a healing center, but it was positive enough for me to recommend going and finding out for yourself.
And, again I do not know, certainly he would not be the first spiritual person to abuse his power over women, but if he has raped this seeminlgy large volume of women on several continents, are there any lawsuits or criminal charges pending against him anywhere in the world?
Roman Polanski was barred from the US and hunted by US authorities for decades over one actual encounter.
I encourage women who have been abused to file suit against JOG.
Prevent him from harming more women.
It would be nice if JOG sexual predator sociopath had another stroke, but this time it would be great if he became completely paralyzed, like a vegetable, for the rest of his damn life. That way he would no longer be able to rape little girls, or molest unsuspecting naïve women. Wouldn’t that be divine justice?
Yes, I would like to raise motion against him for sexually molesting me, but would I have to seek it in a court in the US where I reside, or would I have to go all the way down to Abadiania again for that, which I absolutely have no desire to ever visit again. Can any attorney who knows the laws let me know? I assume that if I need to go to Abadiania to file a lawsuit, I would also be in danger for my life, since I might run into some of his “capangas”, or bodyguards…
By the way, I am not impressed in the least for that damn man JOG sexual predator giving money away to a nun. It's probably the guilt eating at him for knowing he is an abomination of nature for molesting so many women and children followers, and giving money away won't pay for his debt and all his sins. He will pay with tears and blood for the harm he has caused many. It does not set him free in any way whatsoever of the bad karma that he has accumulated for himself. I hope that stupid circus he runs closes, and he dies and go to where he belongs, which is not heaven. Just because he has discarnate entities with him does not mean they are evolved or have the purest intentions, or are angelic in any way whatsoever.
Response to previous question.
Yes have heard about the court case against JOG in Sedona. Arizona.
The woman accused of Bribery,Extortion, and other crimes is believed to be JOG mistress. Her name is Elisabetta Dami writer of Geranimo Stilton books for Edititioni Piemme Publishing company
Anyone who has been abused by JOG in USA is urged to file suit now. This will continue to harm others unless the victims come forward. Perhaps-someone who is an Attorney of Law could help the victims to file suit. Thank you Diane .
I am very thankful for your comments. I was going for a conference with "JOG" this week in Germany.
I always had a strange feeling, seing the film, photos ..
I believe, what I read, also in german discussion boards, these are TOO MUCH voices.
I now have an evidence about my feelings, which regularly fit. I don´t need to make a new bad experience.
I thank God for this protection, - I googled "experiences JOG" ..
Prayer will lead to the solving of all problems! If it leads to acts!! ; )
PS: My posting is from 2011, Nov, 7
The comments in this post were compelling and even frightening until i looked for some kind of corroborating info elsewhere on the net, particularly in portuguese. I could find none. How can a man be engaging in regular sexual abuse of women, even death threats to people, without it becoming some kind of a scandal (at least in rumor if not in court) in the country where he lives? I speak portuguese fluently and have lived in Brazil, and i searched the web in vain for anything by anyone in brazil suggesting that this man was doing any of the things written about here on this blog thread of comments.
Wonderful article! You write well. Maybe you could fix that typo... "It can heel us."
Hehehe... I make that kind of error all the time!
Well written article, Dangerous Diane! Indeed, that fellow definitely looks to be using the mesmer effect by what I see. It's amazing what we can convince ourselves of. Our brains are so powerful, they can help us feel what we expect to feel.
I was in abadinia and i know that there is such thing as really entities(doctors souls) and they do something with people. before coming to casa de dom ignacio i could walk good, i just had leg pains...i am not better now, some things are eaven worst, but i am planing to come back, becouse i saw entities!!and felt how they were doing operations with my body...and i couldn't walk after it for two months. so i think it was becouse of the healing process..so i can assure that there is happining something beyond understanding.the questions is: is it really helping or maiby doing worst? in abadiania you give away a lot of fizical and psichological energy. is it price for healing or just they take something from us? and why peoples who live in abadinia do not go to the casa for healing?
about casa money. hotels and other places in casa gives part of the money from the rent and other. it's not a secret.
ABOUT MOLESTING.i started to look for information in internet,becouse one girl from europe sed that john touched her genitals impropedly...and peoples from abadiania sed that there is talks about more girls and joung boys(chidren) molesting, but john is very powerfull and has a lot of money so that's how this thing doesn't go to the surf. they sed not to say anything to anyone,but i am shocked by this imformation.questions:power,money,fear, believing that sex is healing or what... but there should be more rumors?i think a lot of mothers would do anything without fear if they would know that their child was molested... so where is all scandals?( i saw and know that peoples who work in casa really aren't all so pure, but i will not talk about that,becouse that's not the most important theme.. )so..molesting? does some entitie doing that true medium john?maybe there comes some dark not doctors entities to him when he is molesting somebody?or does john him self doing this? if yes, then how can be healing and raping in one place?or mayby it's peoples halutiniations? there is so much questions... everybody should speak everywhere in internet or police if they were molested!still eaven i have doubts, i will come back to the casa, becouse i have hope to be healed.i will take a risk, that this is help... but thanks for the rumors, i will know that you can not to the private room with john...i will try to find out more about that molesting stuff.i will write about it ,if i will know something more...PS sry for the english writing mistaces
and sry ... but where is body bruises becouse john wanted to rape? or john put in some trance that woman? ofcource it's very terrible that somebody is fooling that woman, but if they saw johns genitals, why they didn't sed no? and now they feel raped? just touching hips or something like that is not raping... and if somebody had sex and wasn't in some trance, they could moove their body, then it's stupidity... about children it's other question.maybe thats womans brains in that moment were efected in some paranormal way or what...but really if they had normal consciousness and they wasn't fighting, beating john, then i could not say it's raping... it's really to much strange things. please talk woman if you were fooled, but id you dod not sed no, then it's and yours fault...i don't talk about children, they don't understand what they are doing
Dear Friends:
I am an educated woman who is also involved in the healing arts. I have a client who has seen John of God several times over the past few years. She just returned from her last visit and came to see me--she was RAPED BY John of God. I do not mean sexually abused or fondled but RAPED. She is in trauma and suffering now, confused, angry, ashamed. She confirmed that there are mattresses in his private quarters and there are "guards" outside the room where JOG locked her inside with him. The Brazilian police and government are most likely paid handsomely in bribes to keep such stories hush-hush. May this serve as a warning to all women considering going to see this SEXUAL PREDATOR JOHN OF GOD. STAY AWAY. And if you are a woman who has been violated, please come forward, file a lawsuit, write an anonymous blog, write a facebook page against this sick man, do something to expose JOG so that he will never be able to harm anyone else.
Hi there, i stayed 6 months 2 years ago, i know portuguese so i could more or less understand what was happening after a while. I heard the stories while been there but i couldn't truly believe it, until the "entety" which i thought was a light entety told me to see the medium after the works. Well he tried to hypnotise me and i felt for it, but i always had a strong mind and somehow inside me i knew it that something was not right. I called my mum in my mind (passed away 20 years ago), and she told me to open my eyes. I open my eyes and my hands where on his "pennis", i asked him why he does that. He cried and told me he doesn't know why he does it, but i was not suposed to tell anyone about it. I lost faith, how come someone who uses GOD does this things. Also are the enteties light? If so why they allow this to happen? I must say that Jesus or God never used the sex energy to heal someone so don't come and tell me that is part of his work. In other hands, i do believe that there is a good energy in casa and you the people you met are extraordinary. Is all about faith that heals you and believing in God. Casa helps because everyone is there for the same reason. I went there this year again to try and understand if this is really God's or is the dark side. Still not 100% sure. But one thing is happening for sure every current day the "entety" tells the girls to see the medium after the works. No one tells me i hear from the line and kills me to know that more girls are being a victim of him. I was scared to tell them, because most of them won't believe me, as i know for a fact because i didn't believe last 2 years. Please God make him stop and don't allow him to hurt any more girls. Is not just 53 girls there are thousands of it :(. God give light and protection from the power of man. Forgive him too. Muito amor para todos nos. God Bless you all
By the way, in brasil they go to the police but is never filled. Also there was a blog in portuguese 3 years ago which was removed from the net. So is impossible to convict him. But yes he does give his life to help others, after all he his a man and have his own choices to do what he wants. But Yes Casa is a portal of energy. Bless you all.
My close friend and avid follower of john of god just came back from brazil. She had been molested by him. She is afraid to come forward since her family is from brazil and john of god made her feel threatened. She is destroyed by the experience. She is beautiful clear headed grounded person i dont doubt her experience for a second. I am a ceo of a public company on nasdaq. Please be warned. If your female friends go make sure they are with a male friend at all times. This man may have powers but he is very dangerous. Beware.
Well I suggest that all of the abused wemon come together and file a Class Action Law suit against this obvious evil man. There is an open case pending in Sedona Arizona, the defendants are accused of sexual molestation extortion, and more....The Defendants JOG and appear to have millions to try and settle or buy their way out in order to continue in their EVIL mass abusive behavior.
Victims come forward , band together and prosecute this Evil . I found the case number on line it's in the county of Yavapia, AZ and the case number is V1 300 CV 2011 80393.
If your in America call the court house (928) 567-7741 ask for the States Attourney on this case and tell them you are a victim and need assistance to be heard, they will help you to voice your abuse and take down this evil.
I'm sorry but this guy should not get away with this just because he can afford high power representation. In this country All are innocent until proven guilty, but of you were abused you are urged to call for help and spread the word for all victims to know they are not alone ...Evil such as victums describe is happening on a global level and must be stopped. Thank you Diane for your Blog. My heart goes out to all the victims and their family's . 2/7/2012
Hi I was rapped by this monster and I will destroy him. Watch ou!!!!
he rapped me 2 months ago and and he said if I say something to someone he will kill my whole family in Brasil. What should I do? Please help me is there is someone over there that can help me? Why nobody gols to television? Why nobody do something against him in USA? I am sure he did that to Americans too!!! Lets get together please, I implore lets get strong on that together we can do something.
Everyone who has been Molested or abused by this Evil Group , must speak out before another innocent soul is harmed.
I live In Arizona and the information the last blogger provided is indeed accurate.
who calls himself John of God and Author of childerens books, owns the she is also owner of the home where the offences are said to have occured. Both are Defendants in a Open case In Arizona,that is said to include, bribery extortion, and more.
Case is in Yavapia County case number is V1 300 CV 2011 80393. If you are in America and have been abused please step forward and report your case to your local authorities, go to the Police, file a report. Give them the open case number to investigate. If you are a Brazilian citizen go to your local law enforcement agency and report the crimes angainst you.
All Victums, do the right thing, speak out and report the crimes against you so this can be put to justice, and stop harming innocent wemon. Linda D.
2/17/2012 Linda left a comment.
I returned from John of God on Saturday and received an email from a long term friend saying that her friend had recently been raped by John of God.I have no doubt that this is true.
It is so hard for me to understand how such loving healing energy that fills the Casa can stand side by side with John of God's continual abuse of woman.
I am North American married to a Brazilian and I live in Brazil. I urge all the woman who have been abused by jog to band together and file charges. Brazil does not protect rapists. From what I understand,the Catholic Church in Brazil is against jog as well as many other people in the government.
Without evidence rape is hard to prove in any country. However,if you all band together someone will listen.
Oh My God! The Bible Clearly states that Mediums, Clairvoiants, Psychics are possessed by Evil and Satanism. All part of Satans Master Deception.
Prey for all the Innocent souls who do not know. Prey for the abused wemon , prey for this Man who claims he's of God. I would not go near this crowd , it's too dangerous . All the people who are Sick are looking to be healed at the wrong gates. Seek God in the name of Jesus Christ, ask for the Holy Spirit to heal you and if you believe you will be healed.
Please contact the FBI about this abuse. They have helped to convict others like him in other countries (for example, in Mexico they were able to catch and convict a serial rapist of over 30 years).
The FBI would have to do the Job they swore to uphold under oath. Hard to believe, but it's true!. Also This Joao demon Is very Clever and Methodical , very well connected , it has been said that he works with the CIA and his other partners such as Drunvalo and Chavez work for the Russian Government. Who can we trust? Joao is definitely a Sexual Predator But his main adgenda along with certain Goverment Officials Globally, protect him. They are Covering up the biggest deception in the history of our planet.... Creating a Hybrid Race , colonizing in many places world wide, working with Bildaburg Groups and many alike , their plan to build a new Hybrid race will fail miserably!!!! But if any Honest soul reads this and will commit to help take down this New Age Evil Cult , I'm on the front lines with you.!!!Let's stop these Evil Tyrants now ! I am remaining Anonymous because I am and will remain on the Front lines. Be not in Fear cause In The present and in the End All Evil Will fall on on their own swords. And shall never return!!!You know who you are.
I suggest for victims who are suffering the Balancing Bear meditation.I am a holistic healer and tho I never met him felt something was not good about him right from the very mention of his name. For releasing pain anger, Breath in from the earth,Acknowledge the pain/anger
Exhale the bad feelings like smoke,
Remember and release the feelings,
(you may feel like crying,and it's okay)
Then for building up positive,
Breathe in from the sky,
Adoring God as you do,
Expressing your gratitude for surviving,Exhale letting all tension out,
Rejoice in the thought of healing
Do either one or both while sitting on the ground.It may help to hold a small river or pond rock(smooth and comforting) in your hand.
When acknowledging the pain/anger, let it also flow into the rock.
The rock is a tactile reminder of the present moment, used to ground you if you have panic attacks, or flashbacks.
Remember the rock is real the memories or flashback is not.
Remind yourself that you are safe now.
This is a direct counter to the "crystal" energy they are using and is rooted in being in the momement. You are letting go of the past and breathing in the blessings DIRECTLY from God.No entities involved.
I urge other healers to do some spiritual warrior work and pray a hedge of protection around the an victims that JOG can no longer harm them in anyway.
I posted the Bear meditation.I'd like to add a few words.
In researching this man I stumbled on a person expressing concern (08)over his friend who committed suicide as the friend felt Jon was taking over his mind and he resented the intrusions. The young person was asking about Jon manipulating "fragile" people, meaning he thought his friend must have had mental health issues to think someone was taking over his mind.
I'd like to make this point. Spiritual power cuts both ways.It can be used to help or to hurt.
I have heard of this type of attack before and yes, it is possible and it does not mean the victim is crazy.
Many believe that psychic attack can't happen to them if they just believe in Jesus or don't give it space. That also is not true.
There is a reason only a few priests are excorcists.Not all have the gift to deal with it. It takes a great deal of prayer work and blessings to deal with that sort of thing.
I notice some here know but are afraid to spell it out.
The one posting on aliens and such, although it sounds bizarre may be closer to the truth.
You are dealing with unseen things.They can represent themselves as ANYTHING because you can't see them and they can change shape.
I suggest that no woman agree to be alone with him to prevent the look of impropriety and avoid any issues.
For those who may have had genuine attacks, be assured there are many spiritual forces in the world, many groups and such, and God does not sleep.On some level we must all answer for our life.And there are some who will arise in this world and the next to assist you. Pray hard.
I know of some who have undergone terrible sufferings and attacks.They made it and so will you.Cleansing your environment, changing furniture arrangements, change colors around you, purification showers and baths with prayers can help a lot.
For the person who thinks no one understands the wierd stuff you never believed could happen...I think several people here know EXACTLY what you may have experienced. Just remember You occupy the space on earth today.The entities don't belong in YOUR space.Throw them out if they cause problems. You can do it.
Focus on the positive, praise worship and joy. They are great healers. Let it go.
Help is on it's way.
I just came across this info today and it is so sad but also very prevalent...the decline of spiritual people who are taken over by dark entities. I tried to check the court case but couldn't find it. Will contact friends in Sedona about it.
Regarding Eric's post below, and the lead one, here are my thoughts...
We have one witness, seen on TV, who stepped forwards and said there is nothing sexual about the way JOG treated her.
We have English-only allegations of rape and molestation, but none in the place where we would expect to see such reports the most... Portuguese.
At the risk of alienating real victims, which I would never want to do, I do wonder if some sort of concerted smear campaign is going on here. It would be soooo very easy to do, wouldn't you all agree?
"Eric R said...
The comments in this post were compelling and even frightening until i looked for some kind of corroborating info elsewhere on the net, particularly in portuguese. I could find none. How can a man be engaging in regular sexual abuse of women, even death threats to people, without it becoming some kind of a scandal (at least in rumor if not in court) in the country where he lives? I speak portuguese fluently and have lived in Brazil, and i searched the web in vain for anything by anyone in brazil suggesting that this man was doing any of the things written about here on this blog thread of comments.
THANK YOU ALL for these posts.
I believe that you are all telling the truth, and I thank you for your bravery in speaking out. Please know, that your abuser, or abusers are the only people who are responsible for their actions. No blame lies with a victim of rape or molestation. Even if we allowed something to happen without screaming, it is still not our fault. It must have been so confusing for you to be vulnerable and ill, and to place all your hopes and beliefs for a better life in a man who uses the name God as his own, only to suddenly find that he is abusing you, hurting you, violating you.
I am a very sick lady, and I had been planning to go to see JOG in the new year. I will not be going. I had considered taking my daughter.
How thankful I am that so many people have been brave, and honest and written about their abuse. You have saved at least two women just today.
I sincerely hope that everybody who has been hurt will be able to heal by drawing on the strength that you have inside you, and that you do not feel the guilt that this man has imposed upon you.
Thank you again for opening my eyes.
If he heals for free, why he charges $500,00 per person in his visit to Canada? About 6000 people (ignorants) went to see him, soooo sad!
That exaclly what hsppened to me. He is a monster. My name is Paula and I am Brasilian. I could not get help there because they are all involved. Be carefull never go to his ofice. Or never go to Albajania. U can heal yourself by having faith.
I hope that he will never do to u what he did to me.
Please tell tell the true about this crazy guy who
Create pos traumatic disorden in my life after rapping me.
I'm writing from Italy, sorry for my bad english. I'lookin for a news about the case of Sedona because i have reason to try that Elizabetta Dami want open a Casa of John of God or something like this near my town, in North Italy. She is often here and she buy personally a lot of old houses and a miles of land near. The mayor of the town ask to the citizens if they want to sold land or house and the people don’t know why, but when they see money...! The mayor says that the business is great, but he don’t say wath it is really… It is very strange! It is like a secret, something of very strange, someone knows but nobody say a word. I read this blog 'cause i'm searching something about Elisabetta Dami, over that she is a writer for kids etc,. I would like to know if the case in Sedona is open and how can I find more informations. You know, I’m troubled for my country for the mistery of the business of this little town near my house. Who can I contact to have more informations?
Please for your help, if you can!!! See you soon. Thank you. C.
Hi Diane, this kind of stuff happens all the time down in Abadiania and is still continuing with just more innocent/naïve/foolish young woman. There seems to be an endless supply. I can relate what my male friend who visits john of god said of the dangers there and his personal heartaches....John of God hidden dangers
January 10, 2013
Sistas, Let me spark the conversation off by saying that my friend visited ‘John of god’ several times in Brazil. Straight up, he said that many men who work at Casa abuse women visitors . They have evil hearts hidden. Women do not see straight and feel that they are being treated and getting closer to God and ‘entities’ by having sex with them. This is a warning to all you sistas.
Last year, John went there and met a young Russian woman who he called Svetlana. They made an unlikely couple. John is an Episcopal priest and Franciscan friar, here in St. Louis, Mo. A big teddy bear of a black preacher, near 300 pounds with long locs and a big open heart. And she a skinnie little white girl. She made him believe himself in love and she wanted to celebrate their love by sharing a room together for two weeks in November 2012 at the pousada …… in Abadiana, Brazil. They went, but evil and sin awaited! There she met Diego, an important man with John of God, he is a casa medium and brother and worked there many years. Oh, I forgot to tell ya, surprise, He Is MARRIED! Yes, he calls himself a devout Catholic with a wife and a child . But he has two faces and evil in the heart. She leave to have downlow sex with this Diego. But he find out, he knows. He’s hurt and devastated. Why? She say her sexual encounters with Diego were blessed by the Divine and he told her she was a “lightworker” and soon to be ‘sister of the casa’. This is the kind of shit the men of the “Casa” make up to get in a girls pants. No way trying to ‘cuse it, she must be either a real wackjob or some kind of spiritual hoodrat. Her Divine Duty!! People!! We’re talking a whole lot of Koolaid here!!! But, many women who go there are not quite right in the head and willing to believe anything. They are without protection and ‘rules’ and easily they can be abused. But Diego is the scum of the earth and one of ‘John of god’s gansta posse! Coppola helped to write ‘protocol’ of casa. The rules like… not having sex with visitors coming for treatment. He knows a’right! He knows ’bout not believing that shit! Word! Just like bad priests who take ‘liberties’ with young boys and girls. He thinks he is better than others and his shit is truly justified! But these playas can’t hide their backdoor stuff forevah! He get caught with his pants down, ‘aright!! Diegos wife and others find out! Brazilians are hot-blooded! What does scumrod do now? ‘fes up? He lies and says HE was not to blame!!! Unbelievable?? But not in Abadiania!! The playa now is the victim? They want to find her. She was called a liar and prostitute and blamed for attracting and trapping him! Basically, she got stepped on big time. This is the kind of stuff that happens to unguarded women in Abadiania. Most are scared and messed up and want to forget. And so nothing gets done about it.
lakisha johnson
Hi Diane, it's a shame( and crime!)that this abuse is still going on down there. There always seems to be an endless supply of trusting/ naïve/foolish young woman for these men to prey( pray, oh god!) on! I can relate what my male friend who had visited john of god told me of the hidden dangers and his personal heartache and soulache.
John of God hidden dangers
January 10, 2013
Sistas, Let me spark the conversation off by saying that my friend visited ‘John of god’ several times in Brazil. Straigtht up, he said that many men who work at Casa abuse women visitors . They have evil hearts hidden. Women do not see straight and feel that they are being treated and getting closer to God and ‘entities’ by having sex with them. This is a warning to all you sistas.
Last year, John went there and met a young Russian woman who he called Svetlana. They made an unlikely couple. John is an Episcopal priest and Franciscan friar, here in St. Louis, Mo. A big teddy bear of a black preacher, near 300 pounds with long locs and a big open heart. And she a skinnie little white girl. She made him believe himself in love and she wanted to celebrate their love by sharing a room together for two weeks in November 2012 at the pousada …… in Abadiana, Brazil. They went, but evil and sin awaited! There she met Diego, an important man with John of God, he is a casa medium and brother and worked there many years. Oh, I forgot to tell ya, surprise, He Is MARRIED! Yes, he calls himself a devout Catholic with a wife and a child . But he has two faces and evil in the heart. She leave to have downlow sex with this Diego. But he find out, he knows. He’s hurt and devastated. Why? She say her sexual encounters with Diego were blessed by the Divine and he told her she was a “lightworker” and soon to be ‘sister of the casa’. This is the kind of shit the men of the “Casa” make up to get in a girls pants. No way trying to ‘cuse it, she must be either a real wackjob or some kind of spiritual hoodrat. Her Divine Duty!! People!! We’re talking a whole lot of Koolaid here!!! But, many women who go there are not quite right in the head and willing to believe anything. They are without protection and ‘rules’ and easily they can be abused. But Diego is the scum of the earth and one of ‘John of god’s gansta posse! Coppola helped to write ‘protocol’ of casa. The rules like… not having sex with visitors coming for treatment. He knows a’right! He knows ’bout not believing that shit! Word! Just like bad priests who take ‘liberties’ with young boys and girls. He thinks he is better than others and his shit is truly justified! But these playas can’t hide their backdoor stuff forevah! He get caught with his pants down, ‘aright!! Diegos wife and others find out! Brazilians are hot-blooded! What does scumrod do now? ‘fes up? He lies and says HE was not to blame!!! Unbelievable?? But not in Abadiania!! The playa now is the victim? They want to find her. She was called a liar and prostitute and blamed for attracting and trapping him! Basically, she got stepped on big time. This is the kind of stuff that happens to unguarded women in Abadiania. Most are scared and messed up and want to forget. And so nothing gets done about it.
lakisha johnson
I've been to see JOG twice, both times for extended stays. The first time I was very vulnerable and taken by the whole experience. The second time I was much more aware and felt that something just wasn't right. I felt there were dark forces at work and although I was there for three months I started to pull away from the Casa.
There are thousands of people there and so the molestations happening are likely targeted to young women. I am middle aged.
While there the last time I received warnings from several people in the States about "dark energy" at the Casa. Since this was my field of work I was very objective and considered both sides. There were indeed two sides. I came to the conclusion that much of the healing that happens is the result of so many people gathering in one place with the "intention" of healing.
In my study of dark energies, often there is just enough positive and healing to convince the masses of the goodness of the "cult." But we mustn't underestimate our own intentions and power to heal.
When I returned to the States, Sedona, Arizona, I met with the woman who was molested by JOG and listened to the whole story. I have a very good judge of character and this woman was very sincere. There was absolutely no reason she would lie about such a thing.
JOG seems to believe he possesses great healing power in his penis. If a woman touches it she is blessed with his energy.
You have to understand though, that this is a very uneducated man who started healing at the age of twelve. He never had the proper upbringing or education about sex. He may never have fully developed beyond the age of twelve. This is also typical of sociopaths who get stuck at a very young age emotionally.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. This man and his entourage have a lot of power.
It is never the victims fault so those who ask how women could let that happen, please stop it. Lets not blame the victim. Most of these women are young, fragile and naïve and believe they are receiving special treatment at first, until it happens and then they feel horrible. A lot of women do say "NO." The woman in Sedona didn't allow it either. But she was shocked that the penis came out, nevertheless.
I feel this thread is really important because those who have had these kinds of experiences, or even dark experiences at the Casa, need validation. The Websites in Brazil may be taken down, but they can't touch us here in the U.S. Keep the stories coming.
Greetings! Unfortunately it is all too easy to just post "he did this to me" or "he does this to people, 'cause I heard it from x on the internet", with no means of fact-checking, or even direct communication with these commenters. Without some sort of proof, it is hard to take anything too seriously - either for or against the man. I'm doing some research for my partner, who is interested in John's work as a potential for healing of her own cancer. It would be great if any of the people with both good and bad experiences could describe some dates and times of their visits, the itinerary, the *exact* procedures he and his staff performed, so that I can present them to my partner as a means of helping her decide on how to trust this man and his staff. No opinions, no third-person, just facts. You are welcome to contact me directly at jimm.pratt@gmail.com
Cheers everyone,
I'm an American who lived in Brazil for 8 years and had a healing arts practice there. I had never heard of Joao de Deus until I came back to the States, but there are many people in Brazil who receive entities and practice all kinds of healing.
My first thought was, 'why go to someone so famous?'.
I met a woman where I live in Oregon who was the first to tell me she knew about his abusing women, she could feel it in the air. I know some people who have been completely healed of something at the Casa, some partially healed, and some not at all.
One big problem I had in Brazil was boundaries! They are very different there, and can easily take this route. Although all kinds of men abuse women, American men do, too. The dialogue in Portuguese sounds spot on to me.
I believe in healing, I have had things completely healed by a healer before, but nothing works for everybody, and not everyone who says they are a healer is one.
You really have to pick and choose and this is where intuition is everything! If you want psychic surgery, there are so many in Brazil. And lots of other kinds of healers.
I, myself, have gone to a man who works in Northern California. He
sees, moves energy, had great boundaries, and as long as I took care of the energy - i.e., made healing my top priority and made my life as peaceful as possible between sessions, I got very good results. He's not cheap.
So many Brazilians receive entities, when you live there you kind of get used to it. But NOT EVERYTHING AN ENTITY SAYS IS TRUE!
Always use your intuition.
I, presonally, would never go to a
healer with a reputation for abusing women. I don't care if he's free. There's no excuse for this, ever.
Many blessings!
Hello Diane & everybody,
I was in Abadania a couple of years ago & I stayed for 3 months across the street from the Casa. I wasn't particularly impressed with what I observed there despite the hoards of international visitors. I am "sensitive" and didn't perceive any uplifting energy in J.O.G.'s presence either. Abadania is energetically powerful, but I attribute that to the high mineral content in the area. Anyway, I believe the stories about the sexual violations (and possible murders), but can't find anything else on the internet to corroborate these accusations. I tried to look up the Sedona Court Case and couldn't find anything there or in the news. Are there any updates regarding this case? I did notice that the JOG Healing Center in Sedona has been closed. Thank-you.
Well many blessings !
I purchased a ticket to JOG for November 2014 in Sydney Australia.
I was looking online to sell this ticket (worth $800.00 AUD), when I came across this blog and all your entries
I only wished now I had done more research prior to my purchase as I cannot sell such a ticket now
Big lesson in this for me
I've come to this site before and did not post but ran across this site quite by accident a second time and feel inspired to share. I was at the Casa for extended stays twice. The first time I was naive and filled with magic, promise and hope. My experience was pretty awesome; although I did pass out when I saw him scraping a woman's eyes. I woke up in the infirmary and was told I had undergone major energy work.
The second time I was there for many months and started to feel very uneasy. I am very sensitive. I stopped going to the Casa on a regular basis and started feeling like I wanted to go home. I had a nightmare that John of God was coming after me with his scalpel and I pushed him away. I felt I was running from him.
I got to know many of the Casa workers and heard the same stories. Nobody really liked him as a person but tolerated him because of his "healing powers."
One man I knew told me he would often be chosen to accompany JOG to nightclubs where he would dance and flirt with the young women all night; leaving his wife at home of course.
When I came back home a friend of mine set up a lunch meeting with a woman she wanted me to meet. She was the woman who was molested at the center in Sedona and I had the opportunity to hear her story first hand. I was shocked to hear the story. I knew there was something strange energetically going on but I knew this woman was telling me the truth. I work in the field of emotional trauma and could clearly see she had been traumatized by the experience.
I also personally have met five people with cancer who died shortly after visiting JOG. People go expecting miracles. I believe in miracles. I have seen them. But I also know that when it is your destiny to go, you do. These people desperately wanted to live. They wanted JOG to save them; to heal them. But they were not healed. There is only a small percentage of truly sick people who are healed there.
I believe part of the healing energy is that so many people are gathered in one place with the intention of healing. There is a lot of love between the people and the "current" one sits in while at the Casa, conducts a lot of powerful, healing and loving energy.
I also work with victims of narcissistic and sociopathic abuse and know first hand the damage that is done at the hands of such people. There is much power in the hands of JOG. I cannot believe that a loving God would put such power in the hands of one who would misuse it. It is all energy. JOG has access to powerful energy but energy can be used for light or dark.
I believe that there is one powerful energy stream that runs through us that can be used as healing energy or sexual energy. But great healers, masters, gurus and the like have a great responsibility to "do no harm" and there is enough evidence that JOG does harm people probably as much as he heals them. What is wrong with this picture?
I feel we have a responsibility to each other as well to speak truth about our experiences with people who are misusing their power. We are not spreading rumors but speaking truth.
Most of the abuse from JOG is not done in public or on camera. Sociopaths operate in the dark and their greatest fear is to be exposed. They go to great lengths to discredit those who would expose them.
Also be AWARE of anyone who turns their body over to entities on a daily basis. If a solid daily spiritual practice is not adopted, anything can "get in." Satanic cults use sex as power. Dark entities use sex as power. Darkness does exist on the Astral plane. We all need to take care with ourselves, trust our intuition and speak our truth.
The news show 60 Minutes with Michael Usher, just did an scathing investigative report of John of God on 10/26/2014, prior to his arrival to Australia in Nov 2014. Calling John of God’s pretend medical treatment horrendous and barbaric! And grilling him about his SEXUAL molestation charges and the great deal of money he makes(in the millions) by fooling sick and desperate people with absolutely no creditable records of healing treatments! A must see for all who consider going.
WATCH THIS!!!!!!!!!!
John of God Accusation of Fraud
John of God is a fraud. Just look at the news reports now from Sydney. He and his business associates are all frauds. Reports of his main promoter and 'daughter of the casa', Gail Thackray is in hard core fetish porn. This is the woman who went on TV in USA promoting johnof god by saying he cures 80-90% of the people who come to him. Now, we found out all the stuff she is into. Using barely legal girls,her partner Larry Flynt of Hustler and much more. Goggle search for all her spiritual and hard core porn business ventures.They are making millions off this. Unbelievable!! But, with john of god you will find anything is possible.
Can people please write the date of their posts in the front of their comments, this time of day only system is not helpful at all.
John of God's groupies are a strange sexual group. Maybe that's why Joao picked Gail Thackray to promote him in Toronto and be 'daughter of casa'.
She claimed on TV that he healed almost 100% of his visitors. But,did he pick her because she is a millionaire porn peddler too
"The Most Famous John OF God Guide Is Hustler Centerfold"
only a fool will think this man is really of god.
show me anywhere in the bible that God allows entities to possess people!
Hi, I'm one of the many women (which I truly believe) that he molested.
I consider myself as an intelligent and very educated woman.. sincerely I still can't believe what he did to me. I know what he did, he did know clearly what he was doing, he did because I was asking for his help and I truly believed that he was helping me.
It's a shame when you talk about people's faith you can manipulate them to do whatever you want to. Seriously, this is what happens with him.
I always had been proud to say that I don't follow any kind of religion and I've been chose to myself to learn about spiritual things because I believe that sometimes I'm a very intuitive person. I always said that I believe in good energy, positivity, people doing good things to others. I feel so bad. No, seriously I feel so dumb for accepting him doing this with me in order to real changes in my life.
I went to the casa just because I heard about the good energy, I can tell you when you arrive there you can clearly feel it. Yes, you can feel but not because John Of God, because of peoples's faith, who choses to go there choses to believe in good things happening in their lifes, that's all.
This old man is a sociopath, I came into me thinking if I should tell this to anyone of keep to myself, but you know, I think that anyone deserve to pass through this like I did, and all I can see is everyday only women going to his 'private office', and I bet for my life that he was doing the same thing he did to me to them.
At this moment I'm feeling very bad, ashamed, dirty. I do not recommend people to go Abadiania. I also ask to do not stop believing in positive things, that's what I want to keep believe for myself, I still have faith in this world, and I still want to prove that there are good people out there.
Ps.: I'm a brazilian, and I also tried to find about this sexual abuses and mollestation in portuguese, and I couldn't find. Maybe there's one reason, he has too many contacts and I truly believe that people are afraid to 'spread' it. I dediced to wrote with my name because I know that some people will not believe, and my boyfriend went to the casa to ask why he did that to me they said: "She's a liar, you can not accuse someone who can't deffend himself, she wants to break up with you, she wants you to go back to your country" then he said: "if I am going back to my country she's coming with me", so they said: "so it's because she wants to go with you to your country." Seriouslly, do you really see how things make sense here?!
I was in Abadania in early November 2015. I went there seeking emotinal healing.
I can say that i got what I went looking for. I saw and spoke to JOG I even said a prayer for him for his own healing as I heard he recently had surgery.
I saw an ordinary man with kind eyes who briefly referred me to have spiritual surgery in a room to the left of him where other people were sitting in meditation with their eyes closed and their hands on the heart and left leg as advised by his staff. I sat there for about 3 hours with my eyes closed and i received what i believe to be a spiritual surgery.
after the surgery we walked out and received instructions as to our personal care thereafter. I was asked to return at 2 pm to sit in what they call Current which is sitting on church style chair with your eyes closed and this is so you can assist JOG with his work. While sitting there we were ask to thank the entities that operate there and offer them a bouquet of roses. I immediately saw in my mind pink and white roses and i cold even vividly smell their fragrance. Mind you I had never meditated little ol less for 7 hours at a time which I did on this day; three after surgery and 4 in the afternoon sitting in Current.
This place lends itself on its own, to a wonderful feeling of positive energy and everyone seems in spite of their ailments very hopeful and in good spirits emitting love and patience all around.
I met wonderful people, I personally did not see any red flags other than a bit of chaos just before one is asked to get in line to see JOG nobody knows who will go first and everyone is flowing towards the main area. But soon after the chaos people are told who will go first, if the first time comers, return surgery recipients or the wheel chair folks. Then all goes down smoothly. I am very disappointed reading Diane's blog and frankly it makes me feel very uncomfortable about having bought a piece of JOG getting the Crystal bed which I intended to use to help people heal in my own country who cannot make the journey. I will do soul searching and see how I feel about this whole thing about JOG and his behavior. It's really hard to believe but, so many people saying the same thing connected with him does not make it easy for me to have that confidence that we all need when engaging in healing others including ourselves.
I would like to hear from people who bought the machine and how they feel about the comments about JOG and the validity of his product. And, if they have seen positive results in their patients. Thank you peace and Love to all.
I like to remind people that this post is a "review" of a documentary aired on TV. I will no longer publish anonymous comments.
I was at the casa, and as I am an extremely sensitive person to. I felt the energy. Large amounts of energy. And I could feel the operation to.
But it was not good energy. And to me the whole place seemed crazy. It felt like
human insanity amplified and put into volt/electricity. Even though I live on the other side of the World I cut my trip short and ran for the AirPort.
I came here as a friend who looks like she's going to die- from a treatable cancer has high hopes of John and his 'work'. I am far more cynical and i believe what I am reading here, that the guy is almost certainly a fraud and a predator. See all over google, how many ads there are for his business.. it isn't free! They are raking money in with all the product and nonsense they are peddling.
So I have been vocal to my friend, have told her to get to a hospital now- but this kind of fraudulent crap has given her false hope almost certainly and I know she is too stubborn to listen to my advice.
It is so very easy to convince people of anything, just look at history. When people are sick and desperate, they are looking for miracles.Thank you for speaking out about this quack.
I have been reading in interest all of the comments. I Think you saved me a lot of Money and a long and arduous journey, going to JOG (from northern Europe).
My Heart goes out to all the women who´s been mistresated in this way!
I find it really sad when Gods pure Love is mingled up and taken advantage of! Is there anywhere in this World where there actually is pure, divine love, or is this world so far from that?
After reading this I feel an urge to find love and healing within, with the help of God, rather than Going someplace, expecting to be healaed from someone else!
Time to start living after these Words; "Heaven on Earth is a choice we must make, not a place we must find"
Recent news coming from Abadiania Brazil: 13 young women came forward and accused john of god of sexual molestation. In April 2018, a former Dutch follower of the medium John of God, Zahira Lieneke Mous, creates an online campaign called #exposejohnofgod, publicly accusing him of sexual abuse, which occurred on two occasions.
Interview from Globo TV was aired Dec 6, 2018 Zahira Leeneke Maus and Amy Biank describe horrible first hand accounts of John of God forcing brainwashed cult girls to perform fellatio in guise of spiritual treatment.
Full Story of abuse and sodomy, English Translation from Brazilian news media Folha de S. Paulo found here:
On dec 9 , 2018 the Goais Government sent up a special investigation because The number of reports skyrocketed after the case emerged on the press. A special task force was believed to be necessary due to the complexity of the case.
Good work, diane
John of God has been arrested today, with more than 300 testimonies of sexual abuse.
this new allegations are also a further eye opener, may we all find it within ourselves to never again give our power away!
All the darkness has to be brought to the light, I guess this former hero will rot in jail.
John of God news Australia: De Faria accused of trafficking babies
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