Saturday, June 02, 2007

Burger King Ad Update

There have been interesting comments by people in the media laughing at the removal of the Bikini-clad Burger King Girls' advertisement, as if bikini-clad women were a threat, abusing women again through their laughter as if we don't get it, suggesting we should all lighten up a bit. It's not the women in the ad and it's not the bikinis. It's simple: the objectification of women and their body parts is degrading, and when the intention is degradation for profit, it's a cultural and social problem. Take this simple test: Would you brag to your mates that it is your mother or your daughter making references to blow jobs, same-sex group sex, and golden showers to sell a hamburger?

It would be interesting to see who the creative team was behind this ad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I must have missed this commercial. I never noticed any references to golden showers or other such stuff. I certainly would have been one of the ones saying "How can they do that in this day and age?"