Monday, June 12, 2006

Sex Disease and flowers

Clarification on my Santosha Blog

I knew I had the wrong spelling for my white flowering plant that I gave Rose, but it took Maili, a friend in New York, who lives in the building I left a year ago, to set me straight:

“Hahaahahaa!!! Oh, Diane, you crack me up!
Okay, here's what you're looking for:
Chlamydia is a bacterial venereal disease.
Clytemnestra was the mythical wife of Agamemnon, the mother of Electra.
Clematis is a climbing flowering vine, which you always get confused with....
Cyclamen, the tuberous, white-flowering plant that you left with me when you emigrated, which is still alive, and has flowered a few times, but has never been quite so happy as it was in the living room window of L 1507 [or whatever the number was]. He misses mommy, I suppose.
You are welcome. Love,
Maili ["The Dictionary Bitch"]”

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